
I swear 3D Printing is continuing to cross over in some interesting ways:

Sensors Embedded into 3D Printed Casts and Braces Will Track Patients Progress - An interesting intersection of healthcare and 3d printing, and sensor & IoT. I'm seeing a lot of crossover like this, and trying to separate the fact v fiction.

3D Printed Motorcycle Weighs Only 18kg - 3D printing motorcycle. yeah!!!

Interesting week for acquisitions in my opinion:

SmartBear Picks Up Swagger API Project - Big acquisition in my world.

Swagger + SmartBear! - Tonys thoughts on the shift of Swagger.

Intuit acquires Playbook HR for QuickBooks Online Self-Employed - An acquisition from within the Intuit ecosystem.

Seems like agriculture is a continuing trend:

The Monsanto Privacy Model? Monsanto and Farmer Organizations May be Forging New Path to Data Cooperation - Always a reminder that companies that I may not agree with their overall mission, also listen to what we say, and implement in their own ways.

Farm Groups Fight For Drone Freedom - One of the many emergy areas of drone space, that crosses over regulation and its collision in a particular industry.

Urban Agriculture and the Internet of Things - You do not hear much about urban agriculture in the IoT agriculture talks I've seen. Temboo is interesting lately with their IoT work.

Several diverse areas within analytics caught my attention:

Yet Analytics Builds Upon the DoD’s Experience API - Something I suggested a while back. I think there are lots of analytic opportunities to be built on the Xperience API.

Introducing: Data Explorer - Everyone has a data explorer, providing a lens to look at the data exhaust for any platform-analytics in this case.

Badgeville Launches New Analytics for Enterprise Gamification Programs - Making the nod to enterprise.

With $35M more in the bank, Localytics has now raised more than any other Techstars alum - I am guessing this is a signal of some sort to VCs. I am just keeping track of as part of larger Localytics tracking.

Some API aggregation tidbits:

Tickets to Issues: Zendesk and JIRA API Integrations - An interesting API interoperability and aggregation story, but also applies to API management that API providers can follow.

Twitter Sign-in with Treeline.io - A new product Twitter is pushing. They do a form of API aggregation, but I am more curious about why Twitter is pushing as something.

Helpful API debugging assistance from Splunk:

Troubleshooting connectivity issues to Splunk’s API from the SDK - Always helpful to assist devs with troubleshooting, especially at the SDK level.

Big shifts in the world of API definitions:

Swagger Shifts Hands From Reverb to SmartBear · - My thoughts on the transition.

Let’s Get Swagger Right - Dig Jerome's view on the move. I think we are all in agreement on what has to happen next...

SmartBear Picks Up Swagger API Project - Big acquisition in my world.

Swagger + SmartBear! - Tonys thoughts on the shift of Swagger.

Web Metadata Publishing Using XML - Some more great information coming out of digitalgov that agencies can follow.

Some API deployment advice from this week:

Don't Build Your Own REST APIs (Part 1 of 4) - An interesting series to follows on how and why of API deployment.

Bridging the IT “Innovation Gap” - Some superficial, but valuable advice from OpenLegacy.

Use interactive assistants at Restlet - An approach to helping onboard users that I'm keeping an eye on. How Restlet is helping folks deploy APIs.

Relooked Download Area for Restlet Framework - Take another look at what Restlet has going on with their open source API deployment tools.

Valuable API design from this week:

The ways of the API smartness - I am digging on the approach of API Handyman. Lots of deep information, but with a pragmatic undertone, which I like, because I think it helps people make sense of this crazy world, and the complexities of hypermedia, and API design in general.

APIs aren’t apps: Make them as thin and light as possible - Some wise words, and more advice on the micro front of API design.

Keeping developers up to speed with a little API evangelism:

What’s new for developers in QuickBooks Online V83? - Communicate that roadmap. So important.

Some API events activity (mostly from my events ;-)

Architecture, Scalability and Microservices At @APIDays / @APIStrat in Berlin Next Month - Important session at APIStrat next month.

APIDays Berlin & APIStrat Europe 2015 Announce Updates to Berlin Program, New Speakers, Keynotes and the SpeedHack API Hackathon - Schedule is coming into focus for APIStrat / API Days.

Building It Right – Lessons from the Trenches « APIDays Berlin and APIStrat Europe 2015 - One of the most important sessions we do regularly at API Days / APIStrat

Open APIs Panel - API360 - YouTube - A panel I did last year at API360 that got published.

Great API lifecycle guidance out of Nordic APIs:

The Entire API Lifecycle - I think I'm going to break these lifecycle discussions into their own area. Normally I put under business of APIs, but recently some of the conversation is elevating way beyond just business.

Lots to highlight from API management this week:

10 Questions to Consider When Using an API - Interesting to see other people's lists.

GA of API Management Premium Tier - Interesting to see the perks that come with the premium tier.

Getting Started with Azure API Management - There is definitely a Microsoft bent at CodeProject, but it is always good to see 101 tutorials for anything APIs.

Sign up Now for the Amazon Echo Beta SDK - This is why I track on the intersection of voice and API resources.Siri is just a glimpse of the future, and how voice will be how we access digital resources.

Bizcoder - Are You Or Your Customers Leaking Your API Keys? - Some words of wisdom from Daryll about API keys.

One Year of OneNote API, One Updated Roadmap - I enjoy stories like this regarding the roadmap for APIs. It is important to talk this stuff with your community.

Tickets to Issues: Zendesk and JIRA API Integrations - An interesting API interoperability and aggregation story, but also applies to API management that API providers can follow.

Default API Version Now v3 - Interesting to see Mailgun talk through their versioning, and how they enforce users to migrate.

Manage, monitor, and control all your IoT devices with Overlord - Overlord is a tool that came up on my radar a couple of months ago, and it is interesting to see it used in Iot management.

Webinar: Using Zapier to streamline your email marketing - Webinars are good, but also being an API that showcases how to use API reciprocity tools like Zapier to be successful.

Also some interesting API monetization chatter:

GA of API Management Premium Tier - Interesting to see the perks that come with the premium tier.

Top 5 API Monetization Models - A great breakdown of the API monetization models. You don't see them broken down this well often.

Bandwidth Quota changes to the Free offer of Azure App Service - This is probably a monetization story too. Cloud computing should be the blueprint for much of the cloud.

Facebook has paid out $8B to developers - It is not just about API providers making money from developers, it can also be about developers making money from the APIs.

Facebook’s LiveRail will let publishers monetize both video and display ads in mobile apps - I will have to dive deeper into LiveRail. I tend to stay away from advertising, but I find it is common in monetization discussions. sadly.

Build Apps, Market Apps and Most Importantly Monetize Apps With AppsGeyser - Checking out the monetization opportunities from AppGeyser.

Some good API monitoring leads from this week:

Integrating Open Source Monitoring with Monitis - Taking a closer look at Monitis, and see how it fits into the bigger API testing picture.

Resource monitoring solution - An interesting look at monitoring, as applied to the world of IoT.

Simple Demo to Check Status of API Server - A basic look at a single API monitoring script.

Machine Data for End-to-End IoT System Monitoring - Tracking on monitoring, and how we can push this discuss to not just the device , but also the API layer.

Manage, monitor, and control all your IoT devices with Overlord - Overlord is a tool that came up on my radar a couple of months ago, and it is interesting to see it used in Iot management.

I am not the only one busting out the good API news:

This week in API land, take 2 - I'm going to list the best news roundups from the space. It is great to see the coverage between all of us who care about space.

APIs: Hey, You Never Know. - Another interesting roundup from the folks over at Apprenda.

API performance is something I'll be breaking out more as well:

Performance Issue Considerations for Microservices APIs - Performance is definitely a stop along the API lifecycle that is growing increasingly important.

Performance Monitoring Will Need to Join the Crowd - An interesting look at monitoring, as something the company owns, which I think is an important take. This is something that will oftenneed to be addressed from outside in, with information shared by the entire space.

With APIs Replacing Middle Management, How is Their Performance Measured? - Not sure I buy the overall argument that APIs are replacing, but I like their take on performance, measurement, and understanding.

Big moves fro Talend in the area of API reciprocity, and I guess cloud storage:

Talend Launches Integration Cloud - Looks like Talend going beyond ETL and reciprocity, and giving you a place to store things as well.

Talend Unfurls Integration Cloud - Another take on what Talend is up to from out in the press.

Like seeing talk on API stability:

Facebook's Zuckerberg Discusses API Stability in F8 Keynote - Discussing stability is always important. Also equally import to address issues as soon as you can.

Previoius weeks have been a lot of talk by me, but this wee there were two amazing visualization discussions:

Sharing the Silk Data Handbook - A great, step by step guide to open data, visualizations, and much more. Adding to my stack of reference material.

Data APIs, design, and visual storytelling - Music to my ears. Exactly the type of vision I want for the world of APis and visualizations. It is so important that this gets told over and over.

Two interesting authentication pieces:

Authentication Using JSON Web Token - A hands on example of how to put JSON web token to work.

Randall Degges - Why I Love Basic Auth - An interesting defense of BasicAuth. Can't say I've ever seen someone defend BasicAuth. I would aruge that oAuth isn't complicated when done right, and goes way beyond anything basicauth does.

Thoughts on automobiles:

What to Think, Ep. 47: The future of cities with swarms of driverless cars - Staying tuned to the latest in scifi.

11 Musts for an Automotive Integration Revolution - A valuable checklist for addition to my automobile research.

Silicon Labs Pumps Up the Volume for Automotive Infotainment with Scalable... - Automobile infotainment. I'm guessing everything we have in regular life, we now need driving down the road.

The banking chatter I felt worthy of higlighting:

The bank business model for APIs: Identity - An important part of the overall banking API conversation.

Mobile Banking Usage Continues to Climb, Fed Says - A carrot for the banking space to get their API world in order to support mobile banking.

How Apple Pay exposes security flaws in banking - An interesting breakdown of the supply chain behind Apple Pay.

I am tracking more on blockchain now too:

PayStand Offers First Bitcoin mPOS - Bitcoin in the POS space, a sign things are moving more mainstream for me.

Pragmatic banker conversations about Bitcoin & smart contracts on blockchain - Part of my overall education on blockchain, and increasing my tracking on the space.

Bots can be fun to throw in as well:

Super Easy Serverless Slack Bots - I like bots. They are fun!

Browser APIs are normal, but I'm keeping a closer eye on to educate myself:

​Google will implement Pointer Events API in Chrome after all - Not usual for me to track on browser APis, but as part of my wider look at device, network, and other APIs I'm going to look at more.

The infamous area called the business of APIs:

How Do You Make Something, Something, The API Edition · - Just some of my thoughts about how we got here. and where we could be going.

How To Leverage Web APIs In Your Business - A great entry level piece from the 3Scale folks.

The shape of software architecture - A look at the architectural landscape. APIs are stimulating lots of architectural shifts, resulting in some interesting conversations from experienced folks.

What You Thought You Knew About API Trends: API Leaders Tell All at SXSW - A realistic look at what is going on with APIs from SXSW.

How web services became cloud magic, then turned real again - I always love hearing these history stories from people about how we got here from SOA.

Reflecting On API Management And The Apigee IPO · - Some deep thoughts after the Apigee IPO.

Oh the magic of cameras with IPs:

The Backed Pack: A security sensor, an all-in-one charger, & a smart messenger bag - Surveilling all the surveillance items.

Dedicated Milestone driver for Vivotek IP cameras - Keeping an eye on the camera side of IoT.

Dynamsoft SDK Adds Webcam Image Capture - You will see webcam and surveillance camera images show up more and more in commerce.

Two API career paths to highlight this week:

New Business Solution Architect - Falls Church, VA, 22040, USA (#jobs) - I used to work at the Starbucks in Falls Church.

Watson Design Team Manager Job in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania US - Would be a pretty kick ass job.

From the city government front:

Cook County Data Updates for the Month of March - Always a nice look at the potential for open data at the country level from Illinois.

Smart Chicago teams up with Code for America for National Day of Civic Hacking - We need this in all cities, all the time.

How-To Build Civic Engagement in Civic Tech #4: Lead from Shared Spaces - There is some serious wisdom being passed down in this series.

Detroit Water Project - Help a Detroit resident with their water bill! - Such a worthy project. Support.

Detroit embraces transparency with new open data portal - More progress out of Detroit. I am hoping they can use open data and APIs to help turn things around and give Chicago a run for their money on delivering in this area.

How-To Build Civic Engagement in Civic Tech #3: Create Two-Way Educational Environments - Another example of the wisdom coming out of the Smart Chicago Collaborative.

Kevin Merritt Talks Data With GeekWire - Kevin has a lot of experience on the open data front.

Hard to tell who is winning when it comes to cloud computing:

Introducing the Scalable and Resilient Web Apps Solution - Lots of advice from cloud providers about the best way to build apps lately.

Google Cloud Makes It Easy To Deploy Apps In One Click - One click API deployment is coming soon too!

Azure Virtual Machines, now with “Salt” - Adding Salt to list of frameworks I'm watching.

Deploy popular software packages using Cloud Launcher - Popular API packages too?

New Azure services that maximize IT investments and developer agility - Microsoft courting the enterprise.

Bandwidth Quota changes to the Free offer of Azure App Service - This is probably a monetization story too. Cloud computing should be the blueprint for much of the cloud.

CloudFront Reporting Update – New Device Report, CSV, Integration, and More

Microsoft Announces Azure App Service - Cause everyone does BaaS now.

Microsoft announces Azure App Service; hopes it will serve as the backend for all kinds of apps - Another take at the service.

Some interesting cloud storage specific items too:

What is “The Data Vault” and why do we need it? - Talends take on the data storage problems the enterprise are facing, and how they help provide a solution.

Amazon Cloud Drive goes unlimited: $11.99/year for photos and $59.99/year for everything - I'm pondering signing up for Amazon Cloud Drive and put my personal items there, just to see what the hubbub is.

Amazon EMR Now Supports Amazon S3 Client-Side Encryption - Some data encryption goodness from AWS. I don't use EMR, but still good to see.

Talend Launches Integration Cloud - Looks like Talend going beyond ETL and reciprocity, and giving you a place to store things as well.

Talend Unfurls Integration Cloud - Another take on what Talend is up to.

The Storage Network of the Future Will Feature Objects Prominently - A nice breakdown of the cloud storage space.

Have to look at comments out of Facebook:

Facebook unveils embeddable videos and unified comments for publishers - I'm going to try and learn more about how unified comments are working.

Ony a handful container related stories this week:

dciccale/angular-docker-boilerplate - I might start tracking on docker images that are related to the API world. We'll see...

How to create a Swarm cluster with Docker - Add to my knowledge base.

Moving a database container with Docker Swarm and Flocker - And some database knowledge. I may start organizing these my sector, as they support other areas beyond just containers.

Joyent Launches Triton, Its New Container Infrastructure For Easier Docker Deployments - I am trying to track on and play with all the container efforts, but there is only so much I can do.

Kubernetes: Open Source Container Cluster Orchestration - The take on orchestration from the Kubernetes team.

I will try to push more content to Tumblr as part of my evangelism work:

Want to Know What is Resonating on the Viral Web? Tune into Tumblr - Tumblr doesn't play a big role in my world, but I still keep it on the fringe of what I do, and see it used by a number of API providers for their blog.

A single conversion story to share:

Parsing EDI to XML (and vice verse) - I was doing some Swagger conversion tools, and came across this simultaneously doing my monitoring. figured it was interesting enough to track on for future reference.

Paying our respects to cURL:

cURL turns 17 - Happy birthday cURL! :-) Your almost grown up!

At the cybersecurity front:

‘Threat-sharing’ bill proposed to counter cybersecurity threats - Bookmarking all cybersecurity bills for reference.

Data is always a big thing:

How This Federal Data Breach Law Could Actually Hurt Consumers - Some interesting breakdown of the security and privacy concerns, but not sure I'm sold on it hurting consumers. Will need more processing...

Owler Looks at How APIs Fit into a DaaS Business Model - Ok. I will take a look at what Owler is up to as well.

The Monsanto Privacy Model? Monsanto and Farmer Organizations May be Forging New Path to Data Cooperation - Always a reminder that companies that I may not agree with their overall mission, also listen to what we say, and implement in their own ways.

What is “The Data Vault” and why do we need it? - Talends take on the data storage problems the enterprise are facing, and how they help provide a solution.

Factual’s Trusted Data Contributor Program Adds 13 New Partners - A nice look into Factual's Trusted Data Contributor Program.

The Heart of the Matter: I can’t access the data generated by my implanted defibrillator. That’s absurd. - Just some of the IoT data exhaust conversations going on.

Data Protection Around the World - More great stuff coming out of DataSift, and this time an important international view of things. Something we are going to need to be more educated on.

Sharing the Silk Data Handbook - A great, step by step guide to open data, visualizations, and much more. Adding to my stack of reference material.

Data Journalism in Practice - I did these kind of stories about figuring out, and breaking down areas of open data like data journalism.

After going bankrupt selling gadgets, RadioShack will now sell customer data - Man. This shit really worries me. Everything goes out the window when companies are being parted out.

Kevin Merritt Talks Data With GeekWire - Kevin has a lot of experience on the open data front.

UtilityAPI: Automating the Customer-to-Solar Data Connection : - Important movement with energy APIs. I like how they break everything down. I'm adding UtilityAPI to my stack of energy APIs I'm keeping an eye on.

Data APIs, design, and visual storytelling - O'Reilly Radar - Man, I couldn't have written a better piece. What are great connection between APIs and visualizations, something I'm working are to connect with my audience. Leaving this tab open for a while.

Announcing Google Cloud Dataflow runner for Apache Flink - Lots of cloud activity from Google.

EMC Unveils Federated Big Data Platform - Just tracking on. Not sure I'll have much time to review.

Set up data explorer for project - An interesting data explorer, and export functionality with GoodData.

Use PK Chunking to Extract Large Data Sets from Salesforce - Some large data set experience over at SalesForce

The conversation around the data center continues to grow:

Federated ACI Fabrics for Dual Data Center Deployments - A lot of this data center stuff goes over my head, biut I enjoy tracking on it, and seeing where it goes.

The crucial role of storage in the evolution of the Software Defined Data Centre (SDDC) - I think the definition of a data center will radically change over next twenty years.

Two database items caught my attention:

Moving a database container with Docker Swarm and Flocker - And some database knowledge. I may start organizing these my sector, as they support other areas beyond just containers.

Ontotext Achieves 62 Percent Year-Over-Year Revenue Growth in the USA as Demand for Semantic Solutions Rises - Didn't know there was so much growth in the semantic solution space. Will have to look at more.

Couple of deprecation items flagged as part of story:

Google Geo Developers Blog: Announcing deprecation of the Google Earth API - Google is good at deprecation communication, so I'm using to reference in a story.

Data Deprecation Policy for Google Analytics APIs - An example of Google's deprecation policy for my research.

Deprecation Schedule - Doubleclick for Publishers — Google Developers - Google also has a schedule for deprecation, setting expectations for consumers.

Devops creeping into the mix:

How the DevOps revolution informs software architecture - I'm tracking on more devops stories as part of my microservices, and other architectural research.

New Azure services that maximize IT investments and developer agility - Microsoft courting the enterprise.

And like that, drones are on the menu:

With The Addition Of The DroneKit API, I Am Now Tracking On The World Of Drone APIs · - I have been tracking drones for a while, but just now including some stories in my roundups, as well as more coverage on the blog.

As Facebook successfully tests its first drone, privacy questions loom - Definitely lots of privacy conversations, which is why I am tracking on.

Farm Groups Fight For Drone Freedom - One of the many emergy areas of drone space, that crosses over regulation and its collision in a particular industry.

The FBI has 17 working drones and only two pilots - I'm sure they will have this problem remedied soon. drone skills will be in high demand, and I'm sure the government will work to cultivate their own flock.

Amazon says the FAA is so slow, the delivery drone it approved is already obsolete - Along with other regulatory areas, I'll keep track on the drone side of things. One thing that comes up a lot is can things move fast enough, whether it is regulation or legal definitions.

FAA approves some commercial drone flights - Coverage of the recent FAA release.

National Parks In Africa Turn To Drones To Help Combat Scourge Of Rhino Poaching - An interesting drone implementation, which is one big part of what I track on. The uses, good and bad.

Pakistan Displays Locally Made Armed Drone - Guess I will track on lethal drone usage, and military centric.

I'm hoping for a lot more election data and API activity in the future:

Cook County Elections Data at Chicago City Data User Group - Elections is an important part of open data, and how APIs can help make government (or not).

An interesting email integration between platforms I track on:

Announcing MailChimp Sync for Eventbrite - Always track on integrations between the platforms I track on.

The coverage of embeddable comments at Reddit:

Reddit comments can now be embedded on other websites - Just tracking on other embeddable efforts, and what the press thinks.

Reddit now lets you embed comments onto your site - Just tracking on other embeddable efforts, and what the press thinks.

Encryption love from aWS:

Amazon EMR Now Supports Amazon S3 Client-Side Encryption - Some data encryption goodness from AWS. I don't use EMR, but still good to see.

Some great energy stories this week:

Redefining power distribution using big data - Several good references for the world of energy, power and APIs.

UtilityAPI: Automating the Customer-to-Solar Data Connection : - Important movement with energy APIs. I like how they break everything down. I'm adding UtilityAPI to my stack of energy APIs I'm keeping an eye on.

Focus on the enterprise:

API Management: Is Your Solution Enterprise-Grade?

Wavemaker Launches Intra-enterprise Devportal - Interesting move towards the enterprise.

CTO Chris Satchell on Nike's Continuous Delivery Strategy - I wrote about listening to him at HeavyBit a couple weeks ago. These stories need to retold, so other enterprise groups can hear, and learn from.

Badgeville Launches New Analytics for Enterprise Gamification Programs - Making the nod to enterprise.

The super fun area of facial recognition:

AlchemyAPI Face Detection and Recognition Web - Facial recognition is on of those APIs that just make me cringe, but it is something I have to track on so I know what is going on.

The news worth discussing out of the federal government:

The API Briefing: Free Federal Energy and Economic Information Delivered Straight to Your Spreadsheet - Ok, this is way cool. Exactly what is needed, not just in government, but across the business sector. Good to see this. I'm hoping to profile more.

Mikey Dickerson to SXSW: Why We Need You in Government - If you think government might be a fit for you, you should get a hold of them. Lots of big challenges.

Why California Government Needs a U.S. Digital Service - Can't disagree with this. You'd think with its tech roots, California would be way more progressive on digital services.

An API for European Union law - I wish I had more time to play with APIs like this. I just do not have the time.

Commerce Hires Chief Data Officer to Modernize Bureaus - Yay. I'm stoked to have him working there. Makes me happy.

Open source software policy in e-governance cleared by communications ministry... - Just tracking on as potential template for other countries to use.

Web Metadata Publishing Using XML - Some more great information coming out of digitalgov that agencies can follow.

Three things caught my eye in the financial space:

Financial Services – Planning to Retire on APIs - A look at the opportunity in the financial API space from IBM.

MasterCard Places API Helps Build Location-Driven Apps - Shows the importance of location as a data point in all of this.

Fintech 1,000 Shows Not That Many InsuranceTech Startups - Insurance is something I see talked about more often recently. Worth looking at closer.

The bank business model for APIs: Identity - An important part of the overall banking API conversation.

Look fitness from the gaming console!

ATARI : Trademark Application for ATARI FIT Filed by Atari - Thought was an interesting sign of life out of Atari.

Xbox Fitness now syncs exercise data to Microsoft Health - The healthcare data opportunity around the gaming console.

Hackathon news that makes me happy:

Smart Chicago teams up with Code for America for National Day of Civic Hacking - We need this in all cities, all the time.

MasterCard’s hackathon in Singapore to focus on women in IT - Good to see.

Watson in the Wild: How Hackathons Move The Innovation Needle - A view into what IBM is up to with Watson and hackathons.

Hackathon DevOps 101 - I did seeing these resource lists out of people experienced with hackathons. ChallengePost knows their stuff.

Some of it is more IoT than healthcare, but still pretty robust this week:

The Final Stage Of Meaningful Use Rules: Will EHRs Finally Pay Off? - Trying to keep up with healthcare world, and the progress of EHRs.

Beyond wearable tech: How Philips is pushing towards the future of connected health - The overlap between IoT, healthcare, and wearables is definitely a place to watch.

HHS Releases Two Healthcare Information Technology Proposed Rules - A look into the role the federal government is going to play in the healthcare API space.

Sensors Embedded into 3D Printed Casts and Braces Will Track Patients Progress - An interesting intersection of healthcare and 3d printing, and sensor & IoT. I'm seeing a lot of crossover like this, and trying to separate the fact v fiction.

ONC’s proposed 2015 Edition Certification rule pushes interoperability - APIs will play an important role as the pipes.

Personalized medicine with Northrop Grumman and Google Cloud Platform - Showcasing a healthcare partnership at Google.

Seniors Wireless combines MVNO model with telemedicine app for seniors - With over 100 million people aged 50-plus in the U.S., the market for telehealth services is expected to grow to 7 million in 2018, up from 350,000 in 2013.

Text Messaging and Diabetes Management: Public Health Researchers Are Using SMS - Not full on spreadsheet, but in the CSV realm. I store big CSV files on my S3.

Xbox Fitness now syncs exercise data to Microsoft Health - The healthcare data opportunity around the gaming console.

In Meaningful Use Stage 3, an API could replace the patient portal for some providers - Trying to keep up.

Stage 3 Proposal Embraces Open API Movement - More information on APIs in healthcare.

A single, very cool hotel related story this week:

New API Allows Travelers to Test & Compare Hotels’ Wi-Fi Quality Before... - Ok, I see a lot of dumbass APIs, and this isn't one of them. If they can really deliver on this, it could make a pretty interesting impact.

IDE space is coming into focus when it comes to APIs:

Facebook announces Nuclide, an open-source IDE based on GitHub’s Atom text editor - I've been talking about using Atom. I will have to look at what Facebook has done too.

Introducing the Azure API Apps Tools for Visual Studio 2013 - The API discovery via API stuff I've been talking about for a while is finally becoming a reality.

Good ideas are contagious in the API space:

APIs and Libraries: Web Application Building Blocks - Some imaginative writing from the folks over at AlchemyAPI.

Create a Browser-Based Photobooth with JavaScript, PHP and Twilio - A very cool, simple example from twilio.

Keeping an eye on the international picture:

Data Protection Around the World - More great stuff coming out of DataSift, and this time an important international view of things. Something we are going to need to be more educated on.

The always active Internet of Things (IoT):

Enginursday: Arduino Celebration and Hexbugs hacking with Bob Martin - Ok, hacking Hexbugs. Hell yeah!

Smart meters – not so smart - An interesting take on smart meters not working, and biggest the first casualty of IoT hype. Not sure I subscribe to everything that he lays out, but definitely think we should be skeptical. I will keep an eye out for other examples supporting or against these thoughts.

Facebook's Parse intros SDKs for the Internet of Things - Of course they are, cause everyone is doing IoT now.

Resource monitoring solution - An interesting look at monitoring, as applied to the world of IoT.

Machine consciousness: Big data analytics and the Internet of Things - Just keeping track of the promises, and the big words used to describe what is happening.

Another Radio Module for IoT fun - Just keeping track of the cool new little gadgets.

APRS Tracking System Flies Your Balloons - And for my high altitude API tests!! ;-)

Seniors Wireless combines MVNO model with telemedicine app for seniors - With over 100 million people aged 50-plus in the U.S., the market for telehealth services is expected to grow to 7 million in 2018, up from 350,000 in 2013.

The FTC is trying to become more of a new technology watchdog - Another take on what the FTC is up to.

Urban Agriculture and the Internet of Things - You do not hear much about urban agriculture in the IoT agriculture talks I've seen. Temboo is interesting lately with their IoT work.

Will the Industrial Internet of Things Trend Live Up to All the Hype? - Lots of hyper there is. So many stories in the area of IIoT lately. Someone wants to make it into something.

The Internet Of Things: Government Gets Ready For A More Connected World With New FTC Division

Booting up a new research office at the FTC | Federal Trade Commission - This is just the beginning of tracking on what is about to unfold with IoT, and the government has a big role to play.

Internet of Things Expected to Quadruple in Size by 2020 - Some of the numbers.

Machine Data for End-to-End IoT System Monitoring - Tracking on monitoring, and how we can push this discuss to not just the device , but also the API layer.

Manage, monitor, and control all your IoT devices with Overlord - Overlord is a tool that came up on my radar a couple of months ago, and it is interesting to see it used in Iot management.

Panasonic opens royalty-free portfolio to boost IoT development - An interesting addition to my open source research, and to add to patent thoughts.

Investment blips on the radar:

Slack’s new funding round could value the company at $2.8B - Slack is interesting, but the valuations in the messaging space are pretty insane.

API Economy Sees Increased Venture Capitalists Interest - Yes, we are selling the picks and shovels. That is where we want to be right? ;-)

With $35M more in the bank, Localytics has now raised more than any other Techstars alum - I am guessing this is a signal of some sort to VCs. I am just keeping track of as part of larger Localytics tracking.

An important discussion about the legal system in our country:

What Should be Done About the PACER Problem? - We need to educate more folks that this is a problem, and put pressure to make change. Support FreeLaw project.

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